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  Hatha Flow 

1 hr 30 min  I   $70.00





Classes are uniquely designed to suit your level, physical body and personal needs. Whether you may need more time spent in asanas with slower paced transitions or a more dynamic flowing class that fires up your energy, your needs will be met. With an emphasis on alignment, the breath & balance of your individual body, all the while encouraging a deeper self-enquiry. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs and arrange a class time.

Therapy Class

1 hr 30 min  I   $70.00




A Therapy Yoga class helps those who struggle with their range of motion, suffer from stiffness in the body and other symptoms caused by injury, illness or stress.  Taught by a specialized Yoga therapist this class will improve function, health and wellbeing.  A more individual approach to specific problems

through the practice of yoga poses, breathing techniques and meditation to create stillness of the mind.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs and arrange a class time

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